The junction toolbar will be disabled when there are no junctions in the project. See the junction properties page for more information about creating new junctions.

To access the tools for modifying junctions click the Junction Tools button button.

You will see this toolbar appear on the top left of the plan view window:

Junction Tools Edit junction dimensions button Edit junction button Edit junction verticals button Delete junction button Add low point or high point button Junction visibility splay button Close toolbar button

Edit junction dimensions button Edit junction dimensions (Edit radius, add a lane or taper)
Edit junction button Edit junction
Edit junction verticals button Modify junction vertical transition
Delete junction button Delete a junction

After clicking the Delete Junction button, click on a junction to remove it.

Deleting a junction will modify the Centreline Properties of the junctioning centreline, disallowing a junction to form at that end. If you need to later re-create a junction at the end of this road, you can re-enable the ability to junction from the Centreline Properties window.

Add low point or high point button Add a low point or high point to a junction
Junction visibility splay button Add a visibility splay to the junction
Close Toolbar button Click this button to close the Junction toolbar

See Also: