The surface shape of an earthwork is defined by a collection of 3D design lines. The outer design line must be a closed line (complete boundary) and may be interfaced to existing ground. There are a number of facilities to assist with defining the design lines.

Here is an example of a simple pond, defined with four design lines and interfaced to ground at its edges:

Example of a pond earthwork

To access the earthwork editing facilites click the Earthworks Tools button button on the main toolbar. (See here for more details)

This is the Earthworks/Ponds toolbar:

Pond Tools New earthwork line button Add earthwork point button Add earthwork curve button Move earthwork point button Delete earthwork point button Create parallel earthwork line button Set earthwork line level button Level earthwork line to a plane button Set earthwork line levels to surface button Show earthwork line longsection button Add interfacing button Split earthwork line button Earthwork properties button Earthwork contour button Move earthwork button Rotate earthwork button Delete earthwork line button Close toolbar button

The Tanks toolbar is very similar but has some changes:

Pond Tools New earthwork line button Add earthwork point button Add earthwork curve button Move earthwork point button Delete earthwork point button Set earthwork line level button Set tank height button Earthwork properties button Move earthwork button Rotate earthwork button Delete earthwork line button Close toolbar button

Earthworks comprise of a set of 3D design lines which describe the 3D surface. There is a range of facilities for designing the 3D lines in both horizonal and vertical.

Start new Earthworks line button New Earthwork Line

To create a new earthwork design line click the Start new Earthworks line button button.

The mouse cursor will be shown as a cross when over the drawing, indicating that you should click the start position for the line.

Example of New Earthwork line usage

After clicking the start point, a line will be shown stretching to the mouse cursor position. Click the next point to place the line, and continue placing further IPs (Intersection Points) to describe the path of the line.

New Line Right Click Menu Options

Earthwork right-click menu

Stop Inputting New Line

From the right click menu you can select Finish to add the new line or Cancel to exit the tool without adding the new line.

Enter Accurate Coordinates

To place the points accurately, you can use the various snap options on the snap toolbar, and make temporary construction lines using the construction line toolbar.

Also, you can right-click the mouse to get a menu where you can select Enter Coordinate to type the desired coordinate on the keyboard.

Window for entering a coordinate via the keyboard

When you have finished placing the IP points for your line path, right click the mouse and select Finish from the menu.

Closed Loop

You will see that the last point joins to the first point, forming a closed loop. Closed loop is the default setting for earthwork design lines.

You can switch between a closed line and a non-closed line using the right-click menu.

Note: In order for the earthwork feature to have its own surface, you must ensure that the outermost design line is a closed loop.

Create From Layout

The Select Line option from the right click menu allows you to pick a line from an imported drawing. This will then create a new earthwork line with the same horizontal information.

Add Point into an Earthworks line button Add a Point into an Earthwork Line

This option is for modifying the path of an Earthworks design line, by adding one or more IPs (Intersection Points).

Select one of the straight sections between two existing IPs (they will highlight as you move the mouse close). Then position the new IP at the desired location.

Add Arc into an Earthworks line button Add or Change a Curve on an Earthwork Line

This option is for putting the curves on your Earthworks design line.

Click on an IP point, or existing curve, and you'll see the filleting arc passing through the cursor position. Move the mouse to resize the arc, and click to place it.

Example of adding a curve on an earthwork line


You can select an exact radius (or specify lead-in/out spiral transitions) by right-clicking the mouse and selcting Enter Radius from the menu.

Centreline Add Arc right-click menu Centreline Arc properties Window

You can enter a specific radius, or select the maximum radius which is shown. The maximum radius will fillet the angle with a curve stretching all the way to the nearer of the neighbouring IP positions.


If you want a spiral transition at either end of the curve then click the box for Entry Transition and/or Exit Transition. The transition is a broad spiral which starts at infinte radius on the straight part of the line and increases in radius to meet the circular curve. You can specify the length of the required transition, or the RL value (inner curve radius multiplied by the length over which the transition takes place).

Example of a curve with spiral transition

Move point on an Earthworks line button Move a Point on an Earthwork Line

This option is for moving the path of a earthworks design line, by repositioning one or more of the IPs (Intersection Points).

Select an IP on an earthworks design line (they will highlight as you move the mouse near) and move it to where you want.

Delete point from an Earthworks line button Delete a Point from an Earthwork Line

This option is for changing the path of a road centreline by deleting one or more of the centreline IPs (Intersection Points). If you need to delete a whole design line look at the Delete an Earthwork Line option.

Move the mouse cursor near to the IP which you want to delete (they will highlight as you move the mouse near) and click to delete.

Delete an Earthworks line button Delete an Earthwork Line

This option is for deleting an entire design line from the earthwork.

Select the design line you want to delete (the lines will highlight as you move the mouse cursor near to them). When you click the mouse you will be asked to confirm the deletion.

After the deletion the earthwork will be updated with the remaining design recalculated accordingly.

If you want to reinstate the deleted line, you can click the Undo button.

Create parallel design line button Create a Design Line Parallel to Another

Ponds and Earthworks often require specific grading between design lines. This tool can help to achieve this by creating a parallel design line.

earthwork parallel example

Starting with at least one design line on the earthworks, select the Create parallel design line button button.

earthwork parallel example

Move the mouse to indicate the offset distance for the parallel line.

Note: A specific offset value can be entered by right-clicking the mouse.

earthwork parallel example

A series of parallel design lines can be used to define a set of stepped grades.

Note: The level of the design lines can be set using the following options, to determine the grading:

Set contour level button Set Level

Set Tank Base Level

With editing a tank, this tool is used to set the level of the bottom surface of the tank. It works the same way as described below for earthworks and ponds.

Set Level of a Pond or Earthwork design Line

When editing a pond or earthwork, any of the design lines can be set to a specific level, behaving similarly to a contour line.

When you select this option you will be prompted to select a design line from the screen. The design lines highlight as you move the cursor near. Click to select. You can then enter the desired level for the design line:

Earthwork design line level dialog

Earthwork example before setting level

This image shows an earthwork with two design lines (and interfaced down to ground at the edge).

Both design lines are currently at the same level. We can change the level of the innner line:

Earthwork example after setting level

This image shows the earthwork after dropping the level of the inner design line.

Set tank height Set the height of a tank

This tool is used to set the height of a tank. This defines the level difference between the bottom and top surfaces of a tank and is determines the maximum storage volume of the tank.

Pressing this button will bring up the Set Tank Height window where you can input the desired tank height.

Tank set height dialog

Level to Plane button Level a Design Line to a Graded Plane

An earthwork design line can be levelled to a plane at a specified gradient. For example, this can be useful for the base of a pond, so that the water drains in a specific direction.

When you select this option you will be prompted to select a design line from the screen. The design lines highlight as you move the cursor near. Click to select. Then you can specify the required slope:

Level to Plane example

First, specify the direction of the slope (the line of maximum gradient).

You do this by clicking two points to define a the line of maximum gradient for the slope.

Level to Plane dialog

This window is then shown to define the slope gradient.

Give the Z-level for the first point. For the second point you can either specify its Z-level too, or you can give the specific gradient of the slope.

Level to Plane 3d View before

This image shows the earthwork before the slope grading is applied. It is the inner design line that will be levelled.

Level to Plane 3d View after

This image shows the earthwork after the inner design line has been levelled to a slope of 1:20.

Level to Surface button Level a Design Line to the Ground Surface

This option can be used to level an earthwork design line so that it sits exactly on the current surface.

When you select this option you will be prompted to select a one of the earthwork design lines from the plan view. The design lines highlight as you move the cursor near. Click to select. The selected line will be instantly levelled onto the current survey ground surface.

Level to Ground before

This image shows an earthwork with two design lines. Both have constant levels all the way round, with the inner line being higher than the outer. Both are above the existing ground surface.

Level to Ground after

This image shows the earthwork after the outer line is levelled to the ground surface.

Note: The grade between the inner and outer line will vary all the way around the earthwork. If a constant grade is required then the interfacing function should be used.

Longsection Button Display the longsection of a design line

After pressing the longsection button on the toolbar, a design line can be picked from the earthwork to open a longsection view of the selected line.

Interfacing Button Add interfacing to the earthwork

This button opens the interfacing options of an earthwork. The earthwork interfacing options are almost the same as the road interfacing options, except that the earthwork interfacing options only apply to the selected earthwork and an earthwork can only interface outward from the outermost earthwork line.

The interfacing window is covered in depth in the Road Interfacing help page.

Split Line Button Split a Design Line

Using the Split Line tool you can cut a closed line into an open line.

Earthwork Properties Button Set earthwork properties

Here you can set the properties of the selected earthwork, such as the name, display style, and water level or freeboard of a pond.

If the earthwork type is a standard earthworks or a pond, the earthwork type can be swapped between pond and earthwork.

See the Earthwork Properties page for more information.

Earthwork Contour button Display earthwork contours

Here you can set the automatic contouring for the selected earthwork surface.

See Automatic Surface Contouring for more information.

Move Earthwork button Move the current earthwork

Using the move tool you can click to select the point to move the earthwork, click again to place the earthwork in a new position. You can alternatively use the tools right click Enter Values option to enter a specific translation.

See Moving an Earthwork for more information.

Rotate Earthwork button Rotate the current earthwork

Using the rotate tool you can click to select the point to rotate the earthwork around, then select another point to get the base angle for rotation, click again to select a new relative rotation. You can alternatively use the tools right click Rotate option to set a rotation origin and specific rotation angle.

See Rotating an Earthwork for more information.

See Also: