The Window Menu contains functionality related to arranging views within Site3D.

The House Menu

New Window

This menu option will open another plan view for the project.


This will arrange all the open views in order cascading from the top left to the bottom right. With the first opened project being at the top left and each successive window being overlaid on top, slightly lower down the screen and to the right.


This option will arrange the open views such that they tile within the window as efficiently as possible.

Arrange Icons

This option will arrange all the minimized views along the bottom.

Set Extent to Current View

This option is only available when a plan view is currently active. This will set the site extents to what is visible in the current plan view.

Open Project Files

In this section you will see a numbered list of the views that are currently open within Site3D. You can click on one of them to switch to that view.

See Also: